The Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) provides information to landlords who lease or are interested in leasing apartments to Section 8 voucher clients, including:

  • How much they will be paid in rent
  • The housing quality standards they must meet
  • The Section 8 program guidelines


Learn more about landlord requirements for HPD Section 8 program.

By Phone

Call 311 for assistance.

Landlords and brokers who want to post an apartment must provide HPD with the following information:

  • Landlord name and contact phone numbers
  • Addresses of vacant apartments including cross streets and apartment numbers
  • Description of the apartments, including number of bedrooms, utilities that are included in the rent, required security deposits, and brokers fee
  • Desired monthly rent

List your property for Section 8 rentals.

After signing a Housing Assistance Program (HAP) contract and lease, the landlord should start getting payments from HPD Section 8. If three months have passed since returning the signed contracts and lease, and the landlord has not received any payments, the landlord or broker should contact HPD's Owner Services Unit.

The landlord may not receive payment because:

  • The apartment failed Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection, and the failure was not corrected and the corrected certified within 30 days. Payment will be abated until the landlord notifies HPD of the repairs, submits certification, and in some cases passes a re-inspection.
  • The landlord either did not successfully complete registration, or an issue with a prior registration with the City Comptroller's Office remains outstanding. Landlords are required to register and be issued a Vendor Code in order to receive payment from HPD's rental subsidy programs. 
  • Termination from the Section 8 Program. Tenants and landlords will receive 30 days notice before HAP payment is terminated.
  • HPD has received information that has prompted payments to be held (pending change of ownership, tenant has vacated the apartment, etc.).

Landlords are responsible for requesting a rent increase at least 60 days in advance of the effective date by completing an HPD Rent Increase Request Form and submitting it with the signed renewal lease to HPD. Any documentation needed to justify the increase should be included. 

Contract rent requests must follow the terms of the current lease agreement and the HUD tenancy addendum (HUD form 52641-A). The City will approve or deny the request based on a rent reasonableness review.

HPD Rent Increase Request Forms are available on HPD's website.

Get Section 8 landlord resources and forms.

Completed forms and documentation can be submitted by email, fax or certified mail. 

By Email

Email documentation to

By Fax

Fax the documentation to (212) 863-8526, Attention: Owner Services

By Mail

HPD Owner Services Unit
100 Gold Street, Room 1-O
New York, NY 10038

The seller must contact the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) to start the change of ownership process 30 days in advance of the anticipated sale date, or upon signing a contract of sale. The purchaser must qualify for registration with the New York City Comptroller's office to receive Section 8 payments and to participate in the Section 8 program.

The purchaser must request assignment of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract, in writing, and supply required documentation (Deed, City of New York Substitute W-9 Form, current IRS-issued EIN documentation or SS card) within 30 days of the closing.

Documentation can be submitted by email, fax or certified mail. 

By Email

Email documentation to

By Fax

Fax the documentation to (212) 863-8526, Attention: Owner Services

By Mail

HPD Owner Services Unit
100 Gold Street, Room 1-O
New York, NY 10038

During the lease term, the owner may evict a Section 8 tenant in limited situations. Additional information is available in the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract that the landlord signed at the initial lease-up, as well as the Tenancy Addendum attached to the tenant's executed lease. Documentation related to an ongoing holdover or non-payment case must be submitted to

HPD Legal Support
100 Gold Street
New York, NY 10038