Need something else?

If your vehicle was towed by the NYPD, reclaim it within 10 days.

To get your vehicle back and settle your violations:

  1. First settle any Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) violations for traffic tickets or expired license, vehicle registration, or New York State Safety and Emissions inspections.
  2. Then bring the required documents to the tow pound and pay your fees and violations. 
  3. After you reclaim your vehicle, pay or dispute the ticket that caused the tow.

To get your vehicle back, you must pay following fees and violations:

  • $20 storage fee per night
  • $185 tow fee for regular sized vehicles
  • $370 tow fee for heavy-duty vehicles weighing 8,000 pounds or more
  • Fines, penalties, and interest for parking and camera violations in judgment

NYPD tow pounds accept major credit cards, cash, certified checks, and money orders.

It may take the Department of Finance up to 2 weeks to post payments to your account. If you paid everything you owe and your payment is not posted after 2 weeks, bring your proof of payment to a Department of Finance Business Center.

If you're the registered owner of the vehicle, bring:

  • Your valid driver's license
  • Your insurance card
  • The vehicle's original registration stub or title

If you're not the registered owner of the vehicle, bring:

  • Your valid driver's license
  • Your insurance card
  • A notarized letter from the registered owner saying you're allowed to pick up the vehicle

If the vehicle is a rental, bring:

  • Your valid driver's license
  • Your rental agreement
  • Keys to the vehicle

If the vehicle is a company vehicle, bring:

  • Your valid driver's license
  • Your company identification
  • Keys to the vehicle

The Manhattan tow pound at Pier 76 at West 38th Street and 12th Avenue was permanently closed and relocated.

  • Vehicles towed in Manhattan north of 59th Street are stored at the Bronx tow pound.
  • Vehicles towed in Manhattan south of 59th Street are stored at the Brooklyn tow pound.

The NYPD tow pounds are closed on:

  • New Year's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Fourth of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day


Get information about NYPD tow pounds.

By Phone

Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) for help.

If you have a disability permit and were parked legally according to the rules for disability parking permits, you may be able to get your towed vehicle back.

You must take the following steps:

  • Email to request a Verification Letter. Provide:
    • Permit holder's name
    • Permit number
  • A Verification Letter will be emailed to you.
  • Present the Verification Letter to the tow pound to reclaim your vehicle.

  • Agency: nyc311-prd
  • Division: Authorized Parking and Permits
  • Phone Number: (718) 433-3100
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 4 PM
  • Call volume is often high. If you don't get through, call back in the middle of the afternoon.

You can go to the NYPD tow pound to pick up personal property such as luggage or a baby seat.

You may not remove:

  • Tires
  • Radios
  • Batteries
  • Parts of the vehicle

If you're not the owner of the vehicle, you must have a notarized letter signed by the vehicle owner saying you are allowed to remove the property.

If the vehicle belongs to a business, you must show proof of employment.

If you see your vehicle being towed by the NYPD, you can stop it by signing a Field Release Agreement. You must have a valid license as well as the registration or lease agreement for the car. By signing this agreement, you are agreeing to pay the penalty for the parking violation that caused the tow, in addition to a release fee within 30 days. The release fee is $100 for regular tows and $200 for heavy-duty tows.