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ElectrifyNYC is a free program for property owners that have 1, 2, 3, or 4 residential units within New York City. The program focuses on rooftop solar, air-source heat pumps, and other home energy efficiency measures.  

ElectrifyNYC staff meet with the homeowner to learn about their goals for improving their home. Then the homeowner receives a free home energy assessment to help identify upgrades that reduce energy costs, improve indoor air quality, and make their living space more environmentally friendly. The program also provides a no-cost solar readiness assessment.

If the homeowner chooses to proceed with any improvements, ElectrifyNYC can help with:

  • Finding a contractor
  • Evaluating bids
  • Managing the installation process

ElectrifyNYC is a free resource for eligible building managers and owners. There are many incentives and rebates available to help cover the cost of energy upgrades or retrofits.  This program does not provide funding directly, but it can help you connect with the appropriate resources. 

HVAC Contractors can also apply to join the program as an installer and receive homeowner leads.

Learn more about ElectrifyNYC.